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Friend of the Friendless
I am often reminded of the words to the song that go: "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear..." There are times in life when each of us has felt quite friendless, and this song is a precious reminder that when we feel abandoned by the friendship of others. Jesus is always our Friend, no matter what.
People often ask me why the Lord is so real and so close to me. I really don't know how to answer that because I cannot remember not knowing Him and not having the experience of having the Lord to call on, just as you would call on a good friend.
I don't know how to define in words how very real and close He is to me. If He were standing by my side in person, He couldn't be any more real to me than He already is. I feel His presence. He is my Friend and my life. He is my all.
When people can't be trusted, when people disappoint you, Jesus is there ready to be a Friend to you. His friendship is like no other. His is a friendship wrought in blood, a friendship that can never fail.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).
Yes, Jesus wants to be more real to you than any human friend will ever be. You see, He laid down His life for you, and He calls you, friend!
Our Prayer - Let's Pray Together…
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Dear Father, I desire the conscious presence of your Son Jesus in my life as this true Friend for which I long today. I thank you that this covenant friendship was purchased with the blood of Your Son on the cross at Calvary. I thank You that I never have to feel alone ever again. Thank you for being right here by my side, comforting and protecting me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.