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Truly Amazing Tree Houses -- Casas Arbóreas

3. Teahouse Tree house

Japanese professor of architecture Terunobu Fujimori built his boyhood dream in his father's garden in 2004. It's a teahouse on stilt.

2. Spider's Leg Tree house

We're no strangers to Germany's tree house makers extraordinaire Baumraum, so when we saw another brilliant arboreal home design from them, we knew we had to share it with you! The house resides at World of Living , a showspace/amusement park for sustainable housing company WeberHaus and greets visitors with its curvy body perched atop super skinny spider-like "legs". The unusual shape and clean lines are Baumraum's signature, and there are a lot of other cool features, so check them all out in our slide show.

1. Wilkinson Residence

Architect, artist, magician, Robert Harvey Oshatz is all of that and so much more. He is the organic architect responsible for this magnificent home up in the canopy; the coolest house in the trees that you will likely ever see. The unique Wilkinson Residence graces the wooded landscape outside of Portland, Oregon. This treehouse would turn even the Swiss Family Robinson green with envy. More than likely you too will have a more than a twinge of desire to live in it.

4. Tree house Restaurant

The Naha Harbor Diner in Okinawa, Japan, lies at the very top of a huge Gajumaru tree about 20 feet above the ground. Sadly, that is not a real Gajumaru tree, it's actually concrete. Customers actually have to get in an elevator inside the trunk to reach the restaurant.

6. Beach Rock Tree house

This treehouse by Japanese builder Kobayahsi Takashi was constructed with the express purpose of communicating with outer space. “A sparkling beacon among treetops, it is easy to imagine the dome succeeding at its mission to make contact with alien life,” writes Nelson.

5. Yellow Tree house

The Yellow Tree House by Pacific Environment Architects is built around a redwood tree, which is over 40m high and has a 1.7m diameter at its base, located north of Auckland, New Zealand. The structure is made of plantation poplar slats and used extensive natural lighting throughout. The tree house restaurant was built as a marketing promotion for New Zealand Yellow Pages.
The concept of building a tree house on a redwood tree was quite challenging and required a range of consultants to get resources and building consent, and to get construction underway in the limited time of four months. The design is an organic oval form wrapped around the trunk and structurally tied up top and bottom, with a circular arrangement, split apart on the axis with a raised floor portion. The timber binding forms basis of the main structure. Glue-laminated plantation poplar pine has been used for the slats. It is around 10m wide and over 12m high with seating 10m off the ground. The kitchen and toilets are on the ground. It has the capacity to occupy 18 people with all the comforts such as bar, structural soundness, and unobstructed views into the valley.

7. Island Wood Bogwon Tree house

The Island Wood "Bogwon" treehouse in Washington is supported by a single tree. Engineer Jake Jacob and his team from the TreeHouse Workshop fixed the house to the trunk with a series of limb-hugging rings. "Our trees are actually perched, as opposed to nailed in," he told us. "The tree might move in the wind and we don't want to inhibit the tree to be able to move in the wind."

9. Peter Lewis's Tree house

Any kid in Bridgton, Maine, would want to have Peter Lewis's playhouse in his backyard. And no wonder. Lewis has tricked it out with a drawbridge and two spiral staircases. Best of all, the whole thing floats 21 ft. off the ground. Lewis, however, is no kid, and his masterpiece--a two-story, 6000-pound clubhouse slung from an Eastern white pine--bears scant resemblance to the banged-together shacks of childhood. His treehouse is held aloft by a well-engineered suspension system that imparts nary a scratch to the pine's bark. Hearty beams and mortise-and-tenon joints lend built-for-the-ages solidity. Weather-sealed windows, insulation and a coal-burning stove deliver year-round enjoyment, even in icy Maine.

10. Crystal River Tree house

There is always a place for fun and frivolity in architecture! David Rasmussen, resident treehouse expert, designed and built this “treehouse” with log columns as the main support, since the trees on the property are not strong enough to build on.

8. 97-Foot Tree house

Horace Burgess's tree house may be as close to heaven as a body can get in Cumberland County. It rises 97 feet into the sky, the support provided by a live, 80-foot-tall white oak 12 feet in diameter at its base. Six other trees brace the tower-like fortress, but Burgess says its foundation is in God. Most of his materials are recycled pieces of lumber from garages, storage sheds and barns. The tree house has 10 floors, averaging nine to 11 feet in height by Burgess's reckoning. He has never measured its size but estimates it to be about 8,000 to 10,000 square feet. He did count the nails that he has hammered into the wood — 258,000, give or take a few hundred. And he guesses he has sunk about $12,000 into the project.


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A Train Made Out Of Chocolate


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Friend of the Friendless

I am often reminded of the words to the song that go: "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear..." There are times in life when each of us has felt quite friendless, and this song is a precious reminder that when we feel abandoned by the friendship of others. Jesus is always our Friend, no matter what.
People often ask me why the Lord is so real and so close to me. I really don't know how to answer that because I cannot remember not knowing Him and not having the experience of having the Lord to call on, just as you would call on a good friend.
I don't know how to define in words how very real and close He is to me. If He were standing by my side in person, He couldn't be any more real to me than He already is. I feel His presence. He is my Friend and my life. He is my all.
When people can't be trusted, when people disappoint you, Jesus is there ready to be a Friend to you. His friendship is like no other. His is a friendship wrought in blood, a friendship that can never fail.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).
Yes, Jesus wants to be more real to you than any human friend will ever be. You see, He laid down His life for you, and He calls you, friend!
Our Prayer - Let's Pray Together…
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Dear Father, I desire the conscious presence of your Son Jesus in my life as this true Friend for which I long today. I thank you that this covenant friendship was purchased with the blood of Your Son on the cross at Calvary. I thank You that I never have to feel alone ever again. Thank you for being right here by my side, comforting and protecting me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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Playful Penguins

Come on in... the water's freezing! Adorable penguins leap into icy ocean in Antarctica

  • Stunning photographs capture the antics of playful penguins leaping into the sea from rocks in Antarctica
  • Photographer tracked gentoo and king penguins over several days on islands of Cuverville and Wiencke
PUBLISHED: 17:24 GMT, 22 February 2013 UPDATED: 17:25 GMT, 22 February 2013
A leaping penguin takes the plunge into icy waters in Antarctica as its companions prepare to follow suit in this incredible image.
The playful penguins were captured leaping from rock to rock and jumping into the sea off Cuverville Island.
Photographer Paul Souders, from Seattle, U.S., spent several days documenting the antics of gentoo and king penguins in freezing temperatures on Antarctic islands, capturing breathtaking scenes that resemble a real-life version of the hit animated film Happy Feet
Walking on air: This incredible shot captures a leaping gentoo penguin in mid-air over the water off Cuverville Island in Antarctica

Happy feet: The penguins were spotted splashing around and leaping out of the water along the shore

Graceful: Gentoo penguins can often appear awkward waddling about on land, but the creatures are right at home in the water

Jumping for joy: This cute creature was spotted making a splash along the shoreline of Wiencke Island

Taking the lead: The penguin's companions gather around on the rocks as the creature skims over the icy water in Antarctica
One photograph captures a gentoo in mid-air above the ocean, leaving a trail of droplets in its wake.
Gentoo penguins reach a height of 30 inches and weigh around 12lbs when fully grown.
Like other breeds of penguin, gentoos can appear awkward waddling around on land, but the creatures are quite at home in the water.
Their streamlined bodies and paddle-shaped flippers can propel them to speeds of up to 22 miles an hour under water - faster than any other diving bird.

Time for a dip: In this shot a King penguin paddles in the waters of Golden Harbour, South Georgia Island, while its companions prepare to take the plunge

Flying leap: U.S. wildlife photographer Paul Souders spent days tracking the playful penguins in Antarctica

Silhouette: A Gentoo penguin is seen leaping from rock to rock as the sun sets over Cuverville Island

-Ravi Masih-


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Rev. Sukhchain Masih in Haryana , IND


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